
Memorial Day WOOO

It's Memorial Day weekend and it seems like everyone from Ohio-on-east has flocked to Virginia Beach. I spent the day alone which was a little weird. I decided to test out my new surfboard that I bought for $100 from a cashier at WRV. It's an 8'2" longboard. I couldn't find anyone to go with me so I awkwardly entered the ocean in front of hundreds of onlookers, trying to give off the "please don't judge me, I've never done this!"vibe. I paddled out, which for me is the easy part. I paddled a little last summer and I can swim pretty well. I took on a few monster waves and managed to hang tough. I just went out as far as the dudes were. When the "set" came in I turned around to try and catch a wave. Either I wouldn't turn fast enough and it would crash when I was sideways, or the nose of my board would dip under water and I would front flip off of it (supposedly called "purling," which to me is a kind of stitch in knitting).

At one point a dude-bro kind of smirked at me, and it was not because he thought I was cute. I'm pretty sure about that since my mop of hair was in my face. It was because I looked like a girl who was trying to teach herself how to surf in some nasty chop soup. I came in after about 30 minutes which felt like enough. That's when I noticed I had a nice pink rash from the boardshorts I wore specifically to avoid a rash. Overall it was a healthy experience, and I feel like I got over the hump of getting out there. My plan is to go after work and keep trying, ideally with some helpful bros, and sticking to some shore break.

Now the day is over and I get the pleasure of hearing my roommate Chase, friend Taylor and new friend whose name I forgot, play droney music downstairs. They are so good! Chase has a combo with the marimba and melodica that sounds crazy. The new guy has a Les Paul that is gorgeous and sounds so sweet. He brought some electronic digs that I hope they bust out. I am only writing this because I am procrastinating the writing I REALLY must do--which is about why I want to be a writer. I might go on a bike ride instead. I did some tourist watching earlier. I love when parents hold their kid's hand. I also love it when old couples look like each other. And when regular aged couples crack each other up. That's all you really need in life I say. That and some pizza pie.

Oh Memorial Day, so bittersweet. Change happening so fast. Lots of weird feelings. Don't want to be anywhere else though.


1 comment:

2 shovels said...

pearling! or you can go the cat decide route and call it...purrrrrling

id surf with you if I was around...lets surf more when im not sick. go surf today after work!